How Technology Can Get You in the Best Shape of Your Life
No matter your fitness goals, you can almost guarantee there will be some sort of technology that will make attaining your goals easier, and probably a lot more fun. Some tech are gadgets like smart watches, others are apps installed on phones, and there’s also smart systems for homes that can contribute to your overall health.
5 Ways Technology Can Help You Get in Shape and Stay Fit for Life
1. Cooking Technology Simplifies Healthy Eating
From air fryers for oil-free cooking, click and grow smart herb gardens, to kitchen blenders, grinders and food processors, there’s plenty of gadgets to help us prepare fresh meals.
The nutrition facts for the foods we consume aren’t a foreign language anymore either. There are apps to tell you the calories in most foods, nutrient value per serving, and whether it’s considered a good or bad choice for a particular diet, such as keto.
You can even download apps that tell you the healthiest foods on the menu of local restaurants.
2. In-App Coaching Makes Expertize Affordable and Convenient
That’s right. You no longer have to cough up staggering fees for a fitness coach! Fitness apps have them bundled into the technology. Some are pre-made workout programs; others are customized by a personal trainer to tailor the workout routines to clients.
The remote coaching option makes exercise more flexible and convenient since there’s no need to go to a gym to workout. Body weight workouts can be done at home, runs can be done on a home treadmill or outdoors, and activity trackers like wearable fitness gadgets or an app on a phone can track progress.
3. Smart Home Monitoring Devices Can Advise on Improvements for a Healthier Home
When you’re indoors, you’re at the mercy of air quality. In cities, pollution can be extremely high. Start working out, respiration increases, so you inhale more bad air.
Smart home devices can help you measure air quality, ambient temperatures and relative humidity, as well to monitor noise levels.
Depending on the device or app used, some may provide tips to make the indoor environment healthier to improve sleep, breathe easier, and minimize the pollutants that would be inhaled if you weren’t taking steps to improve your environment.
4. Social Communities Propel Your Motivation
Social media has gotten some bad rap over the years, but like most things in life, it can be used for good and bad. Play games all day, or join fitness groups of like-minded people with a common goal of getting in shape and staying fit.
Social media won’t magically help you get in shape, but it does have psychological advantages for motivating you to complete fitness goals.
Ever wonder why wearable fitness gadgets and fitness apps make it tap-simple to share your workout session?
It’s for fitspiration! For you and the online communities you’re part of.
5. Stacking Fitness Technology is How to Use it To Get in the Best Shape of Your Life
Smart tech is mainstream and it’s here to stay for the foreseeable future. Fitbits are on our wrists, fitness apps dominate smart phone app marketplaces, and Smart home speakers with voice-activated AI is becoming increasingly commonplace.
The end result is sophisticated technology that can be stacked for maximum benefits.
- Nutrition apps help with healthy meal planning
- Cooking technology makes healthy eating a cinch
- Coaching within fitness apps brings expert fitness tuition to an affordable level, and to a wider audience
- Smart home tech helps to improve your living conditions, such as air quality and humidity
- Social communities help with motivation
Everyone’s fitness is different and we will all have different fitness goals. The one common denominator of all health and fitness technology is that they are widely available and becoming more affordable as more competing products enter the health and fitness market.
Set your fitness goals, then research the technology that’s available to track your progress. If you can track it, you can improve it. The more you stack, the more you can track and then you can continually make gradual improvements until you get yourself into the absolute best shape of your life.
The technology is there. All that’s needed is the willpower and motivation to put it to use. Even those can be helped with tech.